I've always loved creating, but the things I would make just didn't resonate with me. I would design clothes, create drawings, and create fictional stories, but it wasn't until I began creating for other people that it felt fulfilling. I studied the different parts of Interaction Design to gain a well rounded approach to design problems and how I create for the user. Now I have a passion for seeing through the eyes of the user!

I'm an organized and efficient individual who obtains strong verbal and written communication skills that can be applied in a professional environment. I specialize in using research to drive design solutions, with a human centered focus. I'm able to frame problems and produce solutions that comply with industry best practices. I work collaboratively on a team to accomplish KPI's, adhering to project deadlines. I have the ability to adapt to sudden changes and communicate the rationale for design concepts.

"Sometimes it's the accidents in life that inspire creativity"- J. Wilson

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